Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blog Post 4

When I thought of Marxism I only saw it as the basis of what would become Communism in the early 1900s. Well it does view the basis of classes but it does strictly abolishment of them to make one group equal that has been presented in a political sense. In media it can portray groups in certain classes such as ones viewed in tv shows like freaks and geeks. Hierarchies are established throughout with certain group in a higher status than most others but power can be distributed evenly in an abstract way. While one group may be seen as cool, another one can be established as the role model for all to achieve in life.

In media, a target audience would be approached with advertisement that would catch their attention, which would not attract others. In film, it's common to pick a certain actor for a particular movie to get box office receipts. One does not usually get an action hero as their first pick  for romance film unless the script is well written and suited for that actor. Or lets say that one format can interpret what they market to a certain class to have appeal for something that in situations would not be bothered with like dr dre beats which are seen as a hip hop product. Media can help bridge the gap between classes in many ways to see what all classes can agree on. Each class of people can benefit from each other for there is enough for all who wish achieve a status and success without interceding each others path or we can stay separate and in conflict with each other without a proper resolution to end our issues.

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