Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blog Post 3

I have come to realize just much my life is consumed by media as I think everyone else in class may think the same as well. However, I hardly ever the time to analyze what is being presented until I started the EMAC program and see the way that media is presented in multiple formats. When I started reading Media Analysis it show how depth there is beyond what was subconsciously aware of and someone typed it up for people to know. Most people may not be aware of visual symbolization within shows and movies for we just want to get entertained most of all. When watching Sherlock there were many examples of semiotics that we were pointing out when let watching the pilot episode.

At the end, media can be viewed in the way we can interpret in our own free will and alter it to fit one's own opinion. Let's say a video about family life, I can say it's lame while someone else can love it...and I'll say they're stupid. Also it can viewed solely on the medium format it is being presented now that technology is always improving and implementing new ways to view it. Watching a movie in the theater when it comes out is far different than when it comes on dvd or blu ray. You can miss out on the hi definition aspect that it was filmed in unless you have a high end entertainment system which few have.

After a few weeks in the class now, I can now try to find what underlying message media has other than what is directly being presented.

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