This is the advertisement for Pantene and their hair products. After research, I discovered that Selena Gomez built up a sense of excitement for the release of this Pantene campaign. She released count downs to the release of her commercial to gather more viewers. The words " Strong is Beautiful" creates a connection between women and empowerment. The goal of the advertisement was of course to sell the product, but to do so using the emotional aspect of women and their strength. All over social media there are women who set out to bridge the gap between men and women. Pantene had Selena Gomez promote this ad all over social media where the majority of her followers are young teenage girls. Thus, the idea that the target audience is women. The literal statement is that if you buy these products, your hair will be strong and beautiful. The underlying message is that strong is beautiful. Even the way that she is posing in this photo, with her hands on her hips increases the message they are trying to send to its users. They also have her hair blowing to the side and a huge smile on her face. They are creating the idea that if you buy this product, you are a strong women. The overall emotion that the campaign is trying to share is happiness. Through encouraging words and the aesthetic view of this ad they are able to turn a promotion for a product into a more serious cause.
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