Thursday, September 24, 2015

Blog Post #1

This ad is multifaceted even within the symbols it uses. The purpose is for viewers to consider every aspect that comes into play with reckless driving. It is broken up into 3 sections: the man about to get hit, the child in the rear-view mirror, and the couple within the car.

The man.
The first thing the eye is drawn to is the most common thought of issue when people think of reckless driving: whatever the car hits. It is placed in the center of the image, which draws focus straight to it. His mouth is obviously exclaiming in fear and possibly pain as the car is approaching.

The child.
Next the eye is drawn to the child in the backseat, pointing to the thought that you also put the lives of the people within the car at risk when driving recklessly. Here the image employs pathos by using a young child to draw out a much more emotional reaction. A child losing his or her life is a much harsher consequence in our society.

The couple.

The first thing you notice about the couple is that they seem completely at peace. In fact, the woman has a smile on her face. This indicates they are completely ignorant to what is happening in front of them. The ignorance highlights the issue that reckless driving is a choice. It is within our control whether or not we choose to pay attention when we drive. Also, here is where the double meaning falls within the bolded words “Both Sides”. The first meaning is the much more obvious: that reckless driving affects both the thing it collides with, as well as the people within the car. However the “both” also refers to both sides within the car. Not only is the man on the phone, but also his full attention is directed towards the woman. Personally I think the message is that both seats, driver and passenger, are responsible for the safety of the car. Not only should the driver pay attention, but also the person in the passenger seat shouldn’t be a distraction.

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