Friday, September 25, 2015

Blog post 3 Media

In my thoughts, media was just a way to connect people all over the world through technology, but since I have been talking this Reading Media Critically class, media was more than that. Mass media is generally understood as a process oriented to mass communication to the target audience by means of mass media for the purposes outlined. The mass media is the medium used to convey information in a public manner, broadly, that is capable of bringing information to a mass audience target. Need to distinguish between media content and media. Accordingly the mass media is an intermediate element capable of containing the media content, they differ from the content itself the mass media. There are 5 types of media: print, radio, television, online journalism and public relations. And I already know how to write essays on semiotic analysis on a movie. This week I studied about Marxist Analysis. It gave me an indeed look on why the director created the scenes on the movies. I would never know the details of the grid-group theory if I just focus what happen in the movie without notice what made the movie. The alienation, I thought it’s just in the movie, but it has in a real world too. In one episode that we watched in class on Freak and Greeks, there were so many concepts about Grid group theory that we wouldn’t never realize if we don’t analysis it. On the Halloween’s day, there were adults acting like kids, and kids try to be grown up. Two different category in here were if you don’t have a boyfriend, you are a loser. That was why Lindsey wanted to be at home at the first time, but then she was pushed by her friend, she had to get on a car running around the town.

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