Friday, September 4, 2015

Blog Post 1

        This advertisement for Electronic cigarettes' most eye catching element is the close-up of a female figures lower body. Particular attention placed on her navel and bikini bottom, upon which is written the name of the product. Our attention in drawn down the page to full ad proper by the used of the upside arrow shapes on her belly button piercing and her shape of her bikini bottom.

            The Ad though featuring a woman is not marketing to her, but to a male audience. Her face and body are hidden save for her lower body, which is shown in an intimate close up shop and is meant to attract the attention of male reader. This also corresponds to how much of the page the picture takes up compared to actual product, seen in the lower right. The target audience is further elaborated on by the paradoxical placement of the shapes of the female figure and product. The product is sold in a solid rectangular box. The contrast between the two types of shape further create a distinct link between the male audience and female figure in the picture. 
      By examining the visual rhetoric of the picture we can see the advertisement is saying that women find it attractive if men smoke Blu E-cigarettes. The ad does not function to demonstrate or explain the product but create awareness of the product along with projecting a possible outcome for the user of said product. The intimacy of the close up of the female figure's bikini bottom being used to that effect, implying the connection between using Blu E-cigarette and intimate contact. Though eye catching the advertisement ultimately does not help my understanding of the product other than its nationwide release. 

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