Friday, September 4, 2015

Blog Post #1

This advertisement is designed to grab the attention of a viewer by providing a seemingly silly image at a large scale. The photo of the cheetah wearing a coat takes up almost half of the entire advertisement which guarantees that it is the first element observed in the ad, and an image that sparks intrigue within the audience. Because the image of a coat-wearing cheetah is amusing and puzzling, the audience is more inclined to seek explanation in the second half of the ad. It is interesting to note that the alignment of elements within this ad puts the text and the product centered beneath the cheetah.

The font choice for the ad is simplistic and seems to serve the purpose of stylistically separating the two featured images. Surprisingly, despite its bright red coloring in contrast to the cold color scheme used throughout, the Charal product does not stand out nearly as much as the aforementioned cheetah. Its placement at the bottom of the ad serves to provide a definitive justification for the advertisement.

The goal of this ad is to inform consumers in a lighthearted way that Charal's packaged meat products are more authentic than their competitors offer, and so much so that a carnivorous animal such as the cheetah would go out of their way to hunt it down. Realistic? hardly. But it is an amusing image that would likely be easy to recall as a consumer during a trip to the grocery store.

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