Monday, September 14, 2015

Blog post 2

John Watson is a war veteran who appears to be injured and have post-traumatic stress or at least in the beginning of the episode that’s what it seems. It is later revealed to be psychosomatic and be caused by his longing to be in danger again. His cane is a physical manifestation for his psychological limp since returning to normal everyday life. He is also plagued with hand tremors, but it is only present when he doing mundane things. The struggle within him depicts a battle between good and evil in his character and is very similar to his hero or should I say anti-hero counterpart Sherlock.
A lot of people like to hint at Sherlock being a sociopath or psychopath during the show but I believe this isn't true although it may seem he has similar characteristics of a sociopath. The Key indicator he isn't lies in the fact he may not be very understanding of other people's feelings, but that does not exactly mean he does not care about them. In the restaurant, he remembers and greets the waiter by his name this can indicate that he to a certain degree cares about the waiter enough to remember his name. It’s also seen in later season that he falls in love with someone. More than anything Sherlock just has bad social skills and can’t empathize with others. It’s also seen in later season that he falls in love with someone. He actually might have Asperger’s, but he’s no sociopath.

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