With psychoanalysis, one must look at the pyramid, or iceberg, of the different levels of consciousness. The first level starts off with your conscious level, which is where your thoughts and perceptions are store. Then you down to the precociousness level, where you will find your memories and stored knowledge. Last, you will go to your unconscious level where there are many subjects stores, such as your fears, irrational wishes, immoral urges and unacceptable sexual desires lay. Within these layers, we have Sigmund Freud's, idea of the ID, Ego, and Superego. Fruedis often referred to as the father of psychanalayisi. With the ID, you will only want to fulfill the urges of your pleasure principal, which is everything in your unconscious. The Ego is where your rationality and logic remains, which would be found somewhere by the precocious. Lastly, we have the superego, which is where we make our moral judgements, even in light of social pressures. The superego stands alone. Below, I have provided an image to make it a bit easier to visualize.
From this knowledge of looking through the ice ball of self, we can now go on to sexuality. All this ego and unconsciousness can all lead to how one copes in society in a sexual manner. Take for instance, when they say that a child had a deprivation from breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is an oral activity and because of the child's lack of feeding oraly when they were younger can lead to them getting into more oral activities, such as smoking. A more common example is when people see a girl crying out for attention with men through their body language, they can most likely infer that they have daddy issues of some sort. When we go through this and figure out someone's sexuality, we have to look into their preconscious and find out what happened to them. Then we look to see what category of either, id, ego, or super ego that they go into. The image below would be a perfect example of how all this comes together.
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