Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Blog Post 3

While taking this course, I’ve noticed that I’ve become much more aware of the media and the kinds of messages it tries to portray. I’ve begun to not absorb media so mindlessly anymore. I’ve tried to take a step back and analyze the messages at a much deeper level. For example, we watched Once Upon a Time during our second week of class. I absolutely love this show and have followed it since it began. But once I went back and analyzed the details at a much deeper level, I began to have a much deeper appreciation for the show (which I honestly did not think was possible).  While this class has helped me have a deeper appreciation for shows like Once Upon a Time, it’s had the opposite affect on shows like I Love Lucy. This past weekend I was surfing through the channels and came across an I Love Lucy marathon. Because we had spoken briefly about it in class, I decided to tune in and take a look. And basically, Professor Johnson, you were right about it. While Lucille Ball paved the road for actresses behind the scenes, I Love Lucy did nothing to help the image of women on TV. The message consistently seemed to be, women are always messing up and we need a man to come in and save us. It’s sad because this message is lending to the idea that women are not capable of being successful or independent. It’s this hegemonic ideology that men are more empowered than women.  It’s so sad to know that a show that owes all of its success to a woman, did nothing to help her image in real life. But even though I’m a bit more critical of the television I watch, I will still always consider I Love Lucy one of my favorites. 

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