Friday, October 2, 2015

Marxist Analysis

       Marxist criticism is focused on using the concept of the individual's position in a community and how that individual's ideology is in turn shaped by the social and economic conditions that are in place. Because the individual is part of a larger group, that group in turn plays a part in the choices that the person makes. In exploring the power structure that exists in the community in which a person lives it is possible to explain why that person  makes certain choices about how to live as a part of the group.
        In Marxist Criticism  there is the need to determine who is the dominant class or group ,and who seem to be the ones with little or no power, or are deemed the followers. When a text is examined it should clearly define who these are and what ideologies exist within these groups.
Any show that is being criticized should be examined for a message or theme that is usually not noticed at first  but which is sure to be included as a way of creating false consciousness among viewers. Since the media portrays many things in a way that will suit their agenda it is necessary to look for themes that are included as a way of reinforcing their own ideas , but which might not be factual or even close to the truth. The viewer should also examine the text for any underlying message that forces him or her to take a particular position on an issue. Since these shows are usually used as a way of reinforcing our own beliefs , it should be examined with the idea that there is a message included that somehow reflects what that person believes.
        An example of one of the ways that the media infiltrates our thoughts with ideas of their own can be seen in one of my favorite TV shows, "Bones." In this series the main characters are "Constance Brennan," a Forensic Anthropologist and "Booth" who is a detective. Other important characters include laboratory assistants, a medical examiner and a bone reconstruction specialist. Although everyone usually has to play a role in determining how bones which are found are are analyzed and reconstructed, it is Dr. Brennan's opinion that ultimately determines how and why each case gets solved. In this show there is the underlying message about the character of Dr. Brennan who is seen as the leader in terms of intellectual knowledge as is therefore classified in Marxist analysis as the hierarchical elitist in terms of her position of power, is characterized as the  person whose opinion is valued above ever other person with whom she works. This reinforces the idea of the intellectual superiority of someone  who has attained such a high status in an field of study that is usually quite specialized. Another  ideology that is that is reinforced is that of a woman who is far superior to those around her in terms of her analytical abilities, a theme that reflects how the mass media has now shifted their focus to portraying women as strong individuals.
           When using Marxist Analysis it is therefore important to notice which characters seem important and why, since by doing this it is possible to find the general themes that relate not only to the viewer and his ideas, but also to society in general.

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