Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Psychoanalytical Criticism

It will always be a touchy issue with Psychoanalytical Theory for it has to be applied on an individual basis in my opinion and it comes from personal experience. According to Sigmund Freud, our behavior was shaped from events as early as childhood that continues to influence who we are and the decisions we make. In his studies, he concluded that there three main parts that make up the complexity of the psyche: the Id, Ego, and Superego. The Id represents our need for gratification such as sexual ones, Ego balances both the Id and Superego, and the latter sets the moral standards we set upon ourselves to live up to. These three parts of your psyche can lead to subconsciously act out with one unaware of their actions. Carl Jung would support this claim in archetypes especially in art and media since the day people could form fiction and art. When it comes down to stories, everyone has been influenced in some way through life experience and the people around to subconsciously create their works. Filmmakers and authors utilize their influences whether it's with real people or the stories and medium passed on throughout the years. In the movie "The Social Network"  we see the creation Facebook and the dilemma each of the main characters face.

Mark Zuckerberg: Originally making a social media website for the Winkleloss twins for Harvard students to use for dates but uses the the idea to create a more inclusive network hence Facebook.
Utilizing his Superego, he is seen as someone who wants to share facebook with the whole world but costs him his friendships. He is seen as the superego for he eventually betrays all of the others responsible for Facebook's success.

Eduardo Saverin: Business partner and friend  who funds the building of Facebook but is the first to be marginalized after its success. Motivated to get dual credit for his service and financial profit, he represents the Id who want fair credit.

Sean Parker: New business partner who wants to expand Facebook worldwide and is about show and classy representation. Motivated to succeed after failing with other business ventures such as Napster. Represents the Ego who helps Zuckerberg's Superego.

 Psychoanalytical Theory is to me more personal than researching Semiotics and Marxism for it can be construed as the basis for both of those theories as well. From then and now part of what we all create whether in art or anything else in general will be guided by subconscious thought that we have experienced in life.

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