Miss Representation is a
documentary which discusses the way women, particularly those in leadership
roles, are portrayed in the media. From
every aspect of the media body image comes in to play. Girls are taught in
movies, television, video games, even commercials, that their body is their
most important asset. So no matter what else a woman does, those aspects of her
life are always over shadowed by her clothing or body type.
Hillary Clinton is a prime
example of this, as are many of the women in political roles. Rarely do people
discuss her politics but rather focus on her choice of clothing. Men don’t have
to worry about that. A suit rarely changes and there is never commentary on the
color of a tie. For those female politicians who wear choose to dress conservatively
or those who show the shape of their body, there is not right way to dress. The
same goes for any woman in the media, regardless of what she does she will be
ridiculed for her choices. Constantly women are objectified by the media and
because of that women begin to self objectify which leads to depression and
My issue with this movie lies
not in the information it gives, but rather that nowhere in the film are there
suggestions for how to change what is happening. Clearly the first step is to
have an understanding and to know what is happening in the media, but there
were no ideas on how to fix the issue long term. I believe it is up to modern
women to stand up for what they believe in, but it is also the job of men to
stop objectifying women. We should be treated with respect and everyone, women
included, need to leave looks out of the discussion.
I think you're right about not having any real solutions. But awareness is part of the problem. Being aware that this is happening.