Monday, November 23, 2015

Blog Post 6: MISter-Understanding

  After watching Miss Representation I was thankful that it also addressed the two sides of the problem with the media's portrayal of women and that it destructive messages effect both girls and boys from a young age. As a boy we are given media that is meant to embody our role society. Originally I thought the message was to be manly, strong, good at sports and physically impressive. And that has been the predominant idea of a man since my dad was young. Now that I'm older I have noticed the concept of masculinity and what is portrayed as attractive has shifted allowing men to be more open about being nerdy and being accepted. The new message to men though is the idea of sexual conquest as a reward. From music videos to television the over sexualization of women has created a situation where men are in a way conditioned to expect sex from a prospective partner and that in of itself to the purpose of it. It is a very negative outlook because it devalues women and their sexual identity as a thing that must be won and can be discarded after achieving the 'goal'. This idea also affect women as they are also condition to believe that only was to hold onto a male partner would be to offer him sex and ultimately is perpetuating the same idea. It also puts pressure on men who have not had sexual experience. They feel that they are somehow defective and are intimidated the women they do have their first experience with would mock them from their lack of said experience. The media's portrayal of women are not only causing problems for girls growing up in this media over-saturated society but also the boys who grow up not know how to reach perceived social ideals and convincing themselves that those images of women are real.  

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