Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Miss Representation Response

 After watching Miss Representation, there were some things that stood out to me that I found really disturbing. I've watched multiple other documentaries about women being distorted by the media, but this documentary really put all the facts out there that opened my eyes. The subject that really caught my attention, was when the men reporters were talking trash about women leaders.

This documentary came out when Hilary Clinton and Sarah Palin were trying to run for office. The horrible comments these men said were very disturbing to me. Whether the woman was on the left spectrum or the right, they still had something to say. They smack talked about their dressing, rather than what they said. They snickered at their body, rather than what they stood for. Watching and listening to this in the media can make other women, especially younger women, not aspire in becoming a woman of power. Women see this and they do not want to have to deal with all the bad the bad name calling and slander.

I hope that women become more involved in politics and just a women in power. I also hope that the media starts a new trend of new women that aren't defined by their sexuality, but their intelligence and strength and heart. This is just wishful thinking, but as a woman going into the media, I hope to see the change and be part of that change.

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