Saturday, November 21, 2015

Blog Post #1

I think this ad is great for a semiotic analysis because of all the different symbols and meanings that can be found in what looks like a simple gum advertisement.

What first attracted me to this ad were the bright lightbulbs in the center of the picture. The photographer purposefully placed these bulbs on a black background to make it appear like a glow was coming off of the image. After looking at the lightbulbs for a few seconds, I realized that the bulbs were in the shape of a smile.

When I first realized that they were in that shape, it made me think of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland. In the original animated feature, the Cheshire Cat would disappear leaving a glimpse of his infamous, teeth-bearing grin behind. Having this thought in my head allowed me to fully see the idea of a human smile.

After analyzing the smile I looked further down the page to see the tagline "for bright, white teeth." I realized that the photo editor kept the letters white and put the same glow effect on the text to help it match the graphic above. Right next to the tagline is a picture of the product, Orbit Gum. The product also has the same glow effect as the tagline and the graphic of the "lightbulb smile."

Even though this ad is very simple, the message comes across loud and clear. If you buy Orbit Gum you're smile will be as bright as a bunch of luminescent bulbs. You will have the brightest smile around and it can easily be achieved by chewing the right gum.

This ad works because of its simplicity. Audiences today respond strongly to simple content that is still aesthetically appealing. This ad has the simplicity the audience loves but enough interest to engage the reader.

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