Blog post #3 What have
you noticed differently about the media since this class? Talk about this
week's media consumption and any thoughts and criticisms you may have about
what you've consumed this week.
I have always been aware that there are often
ulterior agendas within advertisements, the marketing industry hinges itself
off of the ability to push its own agenda ever increasingly efficiently. That
being said, being exposed to rigid analytical semiotic charts forced me to take
some of my abstract prior ideas of how media manipulates the audience and
really work to clarify my points and understand the entire process better as a
result. My media consumption this week centered around the NFL and small bits of
free time where I watched the news. However, I did do a good amount of
listening to music on Pandora, and I have come to enjoy the adds that I receive
while listening, I feel like commercials keep me in touch with today’s culture.
I don’t know if its my interest in the subtleties of advertisements or if
learning about the newest Keurig makes me feel at touch with the world, but I
enjoy the commercialism of it. That being said, I do make an effort to analyze
commercials, and wonder what trend, or occurance would make the setting (for
example) of a certain commercial relevant, or why the song choice is an
appropriate choice for what I perceive to be the target audience. As it stands
in the class, I have tried to absorb some of these ways of looking at advertisements
and enjoy adding tools to my analytical skillset each week.
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