Thursday, December 3, 2015

Blog # 7

I would like to take a look at question # 6 in the textbook, Media Analysis Techniques. This question asks how we should define gender. I personally believe that gender is a it's core is natural. We are either born as a male or a female. There are rare instances where we  see examples  people being born  with both reproductive organs, and I could see how in in those cases defining gender would be a tad more ambiguous. But in general, I think that it is something that is naturally assigned to us. I would like to acknowledge the fact though, that some people may identify with an opposing gender. And in those instances I can understand  the arguments that support the idea that gender is something that is socially constructed. In those instances, people are taking it upon themselves to assign their identity with a certain gender, despite of the sex they were born with. Years ago, I believe that this would have been something heavily rejected by mass society. But nowadays we do see a movement towards this progression and there is more support on the issue. I don't think it is fair to outwardly repress these individuals since the majority of people can not relate to the situation, but I think that it is important to take a look at how this gender identity crisis progresses internally among these individuals. Nowadays there are many different types of ways a person can identify themselves in terms of their sexuality and sex, so given this fact I would say that though gender is something that is natural, it has taken a new position in society as has become something that can be altered by the individual. People have the freedom to decided how to identify themselves and now technology has  advanced enough to support and further those decisions. While I do choose to remain neutral on the subject, I do find it fascinating how this new era of gender identity has begun to emerge. I also question whether this is something new, or whether this is an issue that has going on for quiet some time and has just been repressed. Possibly the reason we are seeing more instances of this occurring now, is because society has made great moves at being more welcoming and open minded towards these individuals.

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